The word family has been ingrained alongside the Impact Off Road brand since it’s start date 20 years ago. It has always been a family affair when Brent McPhail laid the foundation over the past two decades for its next successor to have a platform to build off of and make it their own. Chris McPhail, commander and chief of Impact Off Road has taken the reins of the company and launched it into its next stage of progress, growth and evolution. Chris’s early introduction into Impact Off Road was his keen interest in the family business in particular, the automotive industry. His first taste of what life would be like if the opportunity ever yielded itself was when Chris would find himself delivering trucks after his day was completed at school. 2009 saw Chris's integration into the business where his desire for success and keen eye for growth was conceived.
Chris’s passion for business and opportunity has bled into new ventures where he aims to take a hold of the 4x4 Off-roading market across New Zealand. He confidently places his brand in the next 5 years to be a household name in the 4x4 off-roading circuit, making waves as he services the kiwi public and an international audience to the very best parts, accessories and service. Although his attention needs to be divided between his business ventures, Chris still has a firm grip on what has gotten him to the place he is able to operate at now, the humble Impact 4x4 Quadtruck.
Successful leaders practice what they preach, are mindful of their actions and lead by example. From packaging boxes to making executive decisions, delegating responsibilities and being your typical hard working bloke, Chris McPhail possesses qualities that his team can all rally behind for the betterment of the company and make an Impact. Outside of work, Chris enjoys hitting the weights, keeping active, car racing and spending time with his son.
With a vast resume of high credentials expanding across the automotive industry and a witty, intelligent and caring personality to match, Ian Anderson fits the Impact Off Road mold without force or hesitation. Working for Mercedes, Giltrap Group, Ebbett Group and his history in selling commercial vehicles, trucks and trailers, Ian has a rich background in understanding exactly what the customer wants and needs. His day to day decision making is based on what will benefit the customer most and that has filtered into his colleagues around him and his family as he is always putting others first before himself.
Ian has been working at Impact Off Road for roughly 2 years and has not looked back since. He loves traveling across New Zealand to show off the Impact Quad Truck on all types of farms, horse studs, valleys and creeks. Outside of work, Ian enjoys spending time with his family and living through his faith.
Impact Off-Road is a family owned business. Built over 20 years ago, it has been making bold strides through the various agricultural, horticultural, dairy, forestry sectors across New Zealand and internationally. In any company, it is an integral cog in the gear that its people believe in what they are doing. Chris McPhail, owner and chief of operations at Impact Off Road, sought out to find his missing links that would allow the company to expand, grow and flourish on the back of its already reputable reputation for another 20 years and more.
With a history in the Automotive Industry expanding for over 13 years, Tyler Mossman is an integral part in how the day to day operations are run at Impact Off Road. Tyler’s background reaches into industrial engineering and his experience working for Tony's Tires. Starting from the ground up, Tyler ended his tenure at Tony’s Tires with a resume of number one salesman and manager. With his highly sought after credentials, Chris McPhail along with Ian Anderson were able to get Tyler's signature and his journey working at Impact Off Road had begun. Tyler has now been working at Impact Off Road for roughly one year and has not looked back since.
Around work, Tyler's personality is always there to brighten up your day. With a wicked sense of humor and a jokester personality, he is always up for a laugh and keen on helping out wherever he can for the benefit of others. Outside of work, Tyler enjoys the outdoors. His love for hunting and fishing takes up most of his weekends and does not shy away from a social time with his friends.
Impact Off-Road is a family owned business. Built over 20 years ago, it has been making bold strides through the various agricultural, horticultural, dairy, forestry sectors across New Zealand and internationally. In any company, it is an integral cog in the gear that its people believe in what they are doing. Chris McPhail, owner and chief of operations at Impact Off Road, sought out to find his missing links that would allow the company to expand, grow and flourish on the back of its already reputable reputation for another 20 years and more.
Towering at approximately 6.6 feet tall, Cameron Barr is a key member to our sales team at Impact Off Road. With only a limited 4 months donning the blues and whites, Cameron has made a huge statement around the north island in terms of his sales and service skills. Alongside his ability to close a sale, the 6′6″ salesman finds his way on the steepest slopes and wettest pastures demonstrating just exactly what the Impact Quadtruck can do. With a background in dairy farming and beekeeping, Cameron is both relatable when it comes to the muddy paddocks and sweet when it comes to his service.
Outside of work, Cameron enjoys maintaining his bee hives at home, BBQing on weekends, spending time with his family and enjoying the outdoors. Along with his wicked sense humor, Cameron is always up for a laugh and creates a positive vibe on site.
Impact Off-Road is a family owned business. Built over 20 years ago, it has been making bold strides through the various agricultural, horticultural, dairy, forestry sectors across New Zealand and internationally. In any company, it is an integral cog in the gear that its people believe in what they are doing. Chris McPhail, owner and chief of operations at Impact Off Road, sought out to find his missing links that would allow the company to expand, grow and flourish on the back of its already reputable reputation for another 20 years and more.
Josh Froneman recently joined our Impact Off Road Group having finished his Bachelor of Communications at the University of Waikato.
Majoring in Marketing, Josh’s keen interests lay in advertising, branding and storytelling. During his time at University, Josh has built up a vast resume of part time jobs during his study. Starting off as a kitchen hand at The Lookout, The helm and Gothenburg restaurant to being a laborer at Fosters LTD. Josh finally managed to start his marketing journey as being a digital marketer for various companies such as CommUnity, Gails Floral Studio & Gails Of Tamahere, a digital Marketer for MotoXparts and now Marketing Coordinator at the Impact Off Road Group. As Josh makes his own strides as an advertiser, we look forward to watching his progress during his time here at the Impact Off Road Group.
Being born in South Africa, Josh’s outlook on life is really reflected in his personality and perspective. With a friendly smile and driven mindset, Josh is the perfect fit for our company. Outside of work, Josh really loves hitting the gym, training and spending time with friends.
Impact Off-Road is a family owned business. Built over 20 years ago, it has been making bold strides through the various agricultural, horticultural, dairy, forestry sectors across New Zealand and internationally. In any company, it is an integral cog in the gear that its people believe in what they are doing. Chris McPhail, owner and chief of operations at Impact Off Road, sought out to find his missing links that would allow the company to expand, grow and flourish on the back of its already reputable reputation for another 20 years and more.
Roy has hit the ground running in his short time already. With his very friendly demeanor and joyful smile, Roy has been such an asset when dealing with customer calls and on-yard interactions. Roy's experience stretches over a decade within the automotive industry. Originally from Warkworth, Roy has gained experience working for Autopoint, BNT and recently, the Impact Off Road Group. He has also had a short stint working for Smith & Smith Glass. Outside of work, Roy enjoys spending time with his kids, commuting between Hamilton and Tauranga to see them. Roy enjoys the outdoors and spending weekends on the beach, and as he day proceeds you can find him in front of the television watching motorsports.
Impact Off-Road is a family owned business. Built over 20 years ago, it has been making bold strides through the various agricultural, horticultural, dairy, forestry sectors across New Zealand and internationally. In any company, it is an integral cog in the gear that its people believe in what they are doing. Chris McPhail, owner and chief of operations at Impact Off Road, sought out to find his missing links that would allow the company to expand, grow and flourish on the back of its already reputable reputation for another 20 years and more.